Paris: 10 Years Of Great Coffee At La Caféothèque

There’s no denying that La Caféothèque, who recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, has had a big role in helping to kickstart the scene. Started in 2005, this cafe, situated almost on the banks of the Seine, was for a long time the only place that you could go if you wanted anything other than industrial brew. Gloria Montenegro, its founder, has made a name for herself, daring to change the status quo of coffee of the early 2000s, and helping to lay the groundwork for the new wave of specialty coffee that you see taking place now.


" Étant située à l'intérieur du périmètre de sécurité mis en place par les autorités pour la cérémonie d'ouverture des jeux olympiques Paris 2024, la Caféothèque sera fermée du jeudi 18 au vendredi 26 juillet inclus. Elle rouvrira ses portes le samedi 27 juillet et restera ouverte tout le mois d'août."

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